IKS Industriekühlung Schneeberg GmbH
Andreas Land
Prof.-Dr.-Konrad-Zuse-Straße 22a
08289 Schneeberg

phone: +49(0)3772 39503 0
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2025 Completion of workshop construction 4 and 5

Neubau Hallen IKS Schneeberg

We are very happy that our workshops 4 and 5 are openingfor production! After the challenging construction phase, completion is a significant step for our company. Take a quick look at the individual construction phases using our photos and see the beautiful landscape of our Ore Mountains :-)

2023 to 2025 Construction project: erection of storage hall 4 and expansion of production hall 5

erection of storage hall 4 and expansion of production hall 5

We are increasing our operating site’s capacities to secure the available permanent jobs. In this context, we are building a new storage hall 4 with outdoor areas and expanding our production areas by hall 5.

September, 2022 Current status of conversion work:

Dry lining work is finished, the floor tiler has commenced his work in the new sanitary facilities, and electrical installation work is under way. Now it’s time to select new furnishings.

August, 2022 Sponsoring FFW Affalter voluntary fire department

We continue to support the activity of the voluntary fire brigade in Affalter. Here, we already provided them with posh softshell jackets. Now, in August, it is time to deliver the mobile THÜROS Grill T5 barbecue basic set so they can cater for their every need.

April, 2022 Health Day

A highly motivated team receives theoretical knowledge on the issue of getting exercise and sarcopenia at the Therapie- und Sportzentrum Vital Schneeberg therapy and sports center. Then, it’s time to work up a sweat in a practical course with functional exercises and mobility training.

February, 2022 Installation work at Allee Center in Magdeburg, Germany

Austausch Kühltürme Allee Center in Magdeburg

The IKS team replaces the cooling towers at Allee Center in Magdeburg / Germany under conditions of continuing operation. Here, a specific challenge is the timely coordination of deliveries to be made by means of special heavy-duty transportation and the installation of a 300-tonne crane in the midst of the capital of the German land of Saxony-Anhalt.

May, 2021: Approval of more construction work

New modern facilities will be built where our production workshop used to be located. Here, the intention is to use this area as offices, meeting rooms, locker rooms and sanitary facilities in future.

Easter, 2020: Cancelation of the 2nd Health Day

Postponed is not abandoned. Covid puts a spoke in the wheel of our 2nd company Health Day, too. And just for that reason, we will keep at enshrining the issue of health in our organization.

2020: Service and retrofitting under the spotlight

Covid dampens the mood for new investments. Many companies place an ever increasing emphasis on servicing and retrofitting existing systems. Here, the keynote behind this is to save operating costs and to achieve the desired effect of CO2 reduction. We will make the necessary adjustments and extensions for heat recovery. In many cases we are involved as early as in the stage of preliminary design and planning.

Easter, 2019: 1st Health Day

Our premiere. Our first Prevention Day at the Therapie- und Sportzentrum Vital Schneeberg is a raving success. The majority of our employees shows much interest in becoming more aware of the issue of health. We plan to have our next event at Easter, 2020.

August, 2018: Sponsoring for the students’ project ”Funkkontakt zur ISS“ (radio contact to the ISS)

Sponsoring for the students’ project ”Funkkontakt zur ISS“ (radio…

To radio into outer space and speak with Alexander Gerst, the astronaut. We are happy to support the project proposed by the Matthes-Enderlein-Gymnasium high school in Zwönitz. It took two years of preparation for the radio contact between students and the space station to work. Technical support was provided by the Deutscher Amateur Radioclub e. V. registered association, Aue-Schwarzenberg chapter.

May, 2017: Commissioning of our own cleaning and flushing facility

Another step towards flexibility. The implementation of our own cleaning and flushing facility will enable IKDS to act in a spry and purposeful manner. Now, our scope of services includes, among others:

  • Flushing of pipe registers,
  • Flushing of heat exchangers, and
  • Flushing of autoclaves.

By removing contamination and limescale, heat carriers and transfer media will be restored to a serviceable condition.

Spring, 2017: Our large-scale investment is complete

We have provided for more parking and storage capacities: Construction work is now complete as new parking is provided (for both customers and employees) and more storage areas have been set up.

January, 2017: We are moving in to Halle 3 workshop

Better working conditions. Switchgear cabinets and customized systems will be manufactured in the Halle 3 workshop as of now. This building with a floorspace of 400 m2 was designed and built to our specifications.

December, 2016: We are moving in to Halle 2 workshop

The first part of the extension of our production area has been completed. To produce racks for modules, steel structures or tanks made of steel, you need ample space. Here, the new building with a floorspace of more than 500 m2 offers a clearly extended production area.

March, 2016: Start of construction work to extend our production area

IKS is growing. We are investing in the future and will build two new workshops. This extension of our production area by approximately 900 m2 in total is a milestone of our company history.

Source: https://ik-schneeberg.com/News

phone: +49(0)3772 39503 0 | E-Mail: info@ik-schneeberg.de
phone: +49(0)3772 39503 0 | E-Mail: info@ik-schneeberg.de
© IKS Industriekühlung Schneeberg GmbH, Prof.-Dr.-Konrad-Zuse-Straße 22a, 08289 Schneeberg
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