IKS Industriekühlung Schneeberg GmbH
Andreas Land
Prof.-Dr.-Konrad-Zuse-Straße 22a
08289 Schneeberg

phone: +49(0)3772 39503 0
fax: +49(0)3772 39503 29

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Hybrid coolers

Hybrid coolers are used for applications where the cooling medium must be cooled to an outlet temperature below the outdoor temperature. Here, the unit will operate as a dry cooler up to a respective outdoor temperature. Whenever the outdoor temperature rises beyond a defined limit, the fin surface will be wetted with water through sprinkling. Here, additional heat will be drawn from the cooling medium through evaporation. Under conditions of maximum sprinkling, the cooler will operate as an evaporative air cooler.

Your benefits: low operating costs at an output comparable to that of an evaporative air cooler.

Got any questions regarding the project planning, services or conditions? Just contact us and we will submit your customized offer in no time.

Inquire now

Source: https://ik-schneeberg.com/Hybrid_coolers

phone: +49(0)3772 39503 0 | E-Mail: info@ik-schneeberg.de
phone: +49(0)3772 39503 0 | E-Mail: info@ik-schneeberg.de
© IKS Industriekühlung Schneeberg GmbH, Prof.-Dr.-Konrad-Zuse-Straße 22a, 08289 Schneeberg
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