IKS Industriekühlung Schneeberg GmbH
Andreas Land
Prof.-Dr.-Konrad-Zuse-Straße 22a
08289 Schneeberg

phone: +49(0)3772 39503 0
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Chemical flushing of cooling water sections and registers

Mobile rinsing system

Limescale or rust deposits in cooling water systems: Residues preferably accumulate on hot surfaces within the cooling water circuit. Where there is little flow, fouling will occur to an increasing degree. If the layer thickness increases this will affect heat transfer.
Use the knowhow of IKS for the effective cleaning of your cooling water system.

Clean process water

Chemical flushing will remove the accumulated rust or limescale layers.
Our services:

  • Flushing of pipe sections,
  • Flushing of heat exchangers, and
  • Flushing of registers.

Practical example

Before & after effect: Good experience was gathered, for example, with the chemical flushing of pipe registers of autoclaves. Here, cleaning and flushing clearly enhanced the cooling characteristic. The benefits include reduced production times and noticeable energy savings.

Source: https://ik-schneeberg.com/Chemical_flushing_of_cooling_water_sections_and_registers

phone: +49(0)3772 39503 0 | E-Mail: info@ik-schneeberg.de
phone: +49(0)3772 39503 0 | E-Mail: info@ik-schneeberg.de
© IKS Industriekühlung Schneeberg GmbH, Prof.-Dr.-Konrad-Zuse-Straße 22a, 08289 Schneeberg
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